The unique - our California Horseshoes legends

California Horseshoe Legends

Harlen Rippetoe

Harlen Rippetoe is an original California Horseshoe Legend. He’s the definition of a good man. Harlen’s done more for the game than many others, he does not talk about what he was going to do, he does not tell others what they should do, instead he will do whatever needs to be done, he rolls up his sleeves, he’s a Do-Er. Not only does he get things done – he is known for his word and being an honest man, you’ll get the truth from Harlen every time. You might not like what Harlen has to say – but his conscious and honesty are his code.

The early years

Harlen started playing horseshoes with his family members. He and his much loved brothers Othal and Glen made the circuit, pitching just about everywhere throughout California and across the country. He recruited his wife Sharon and daughter Pricilla to keep score and run tournaments. Harlen was a “Backyard” pitcher before it became a term. He knows the game and could pitch with the best of them.

Harlen had a career in law enforcement. He has pitched in 30 consecutive Police & Fire Games, and for the last 15 years he has coordinated their games. He was inducted into the Police & Fire Games Hall of Fame in 2008. In 2009, while in Vancouver Canada he won the Police & Fire Games. He is also the 1996 Champion of the International Police and Fire Games. If you travel and pitch shoes, you may meet someone who is either a fire fighter or law enforcement officer and they will ask if you know Harlen. His impact is huge and ongoing.

Harlen has won over 100 medals, he has numerous world and state championships along with his brother Othal. He has played 40 years in organized horseshoes and served as president and was inducted in the northern hall of fame.

Harlen starts a league

However, what Harlen has done for his community in the Central Valley in regards to horseshoes might be one of the biggest accomplishments in his horseshoe career. Harlen is the founder of the Madera Club, also known as the Big Valley Horseshoe Club. The Madera Club is “Horseshoe Heaven.” If you want to pitch – Madera is where you go in the Central Valley - it’s done right. There is no other club nationally that is known that has over 100 plus players pitching weekly for more than 20 years. Harlen designed the format of play, wrote the rules and guidelines, and he enforces the rules. League Night in Madera is fun, it’s how horseshoes should be, its where you can bring your family, barbecue and unwind while pitching horseshoes. He has maintained the courts and built a strong working relationship with the City of Madera. The Madera courts have some of the best lights in the State of California, and that’s because of Harlen Rippetoe. Harlen does things right and makes sure that all projects he is involved with are done to the highest of standards.

Harlen, was presented with the California Bear for all that he had done for the sport of horseshoes, from promoting the game to leading on the courts with his sportsmanship and integrity. Harlen built a community where pitchers from all walks of life can come together to pitch shoes. Harlen has shared his knowledge and have been a mentor for many. Harlen’s leadership is unwavering as is his commitment to excellence, he is dedicated to his family and friends. Harlen is a great friend, a true leader in the sport of horseshoes who always made things happen for the betterment of our sport. Harlen is a force to be reckoned with. Congratulations Harlen. Harlen Rippetoe is “A California Legend.”

Jesse Gonzales, Sr.

Jesse Gonzales Senior was honored with a tournament held for his 90th birthday at the Jesse Gonzales Courts, San Luis Obispo CA (2022). Jesse is an original California Horseshoe Legend. He was presented with CA Horseshoes’ Bear by longtime friend, Frank Arroyo, to recognize Jesse’s outstanding achievements as one of the top pitchers who ever pitched in California or anywhere else.

Jesse joined the NHPA in 1962. He has played 60 years of sanctioned play throughout the United States. He’s in 3 Hall of Fames – Southern CA, Northern CA, and the National Association. Jesse is the 2008 CA Elders Champion. He is the 1985 and 1978 CA Men’s Champion. At the 1978 Men’s CA Champion he had an average of 77.20% with no losses. He played in the top group and pitched against other pitchers with averages in the 70s & 80s . He pitched in 12 World Tournaments in the top group.

Simply the best

At one of the world tournaments, he took 7th place with an amazing average of 80.8%. His career average at world play was an astounding 75.32% with 163 wins. He was the lone flip pitcher for many years and often others would tell him his average would never climb because he was a flip pitcher. His pitching work ethic told a different story as he became one the best pitchers, flip or not, to step on a court.

Jesse was a beast on the courts! He gave credibility to pitchers who threw a flip. He was the gold standard for flip pitchers. Jesse has gone out of his way to share tips for beginners and seasoned pitchers. He was the “ultimate backyard pitcher” before it became a thing.

Jesse kept the San Luis Obispo courts in prime condition and worked with the city so the courts were maintained to the highest standards so more generations can enjoy the sport. The San Luis Obispo courts are named after Jesse and he never misses a tournament as he is always present to support all pitchers.

A Mexican American trailblazer

Jesse was a trailblazer – he pitched at a time when he was the only Mexican American pitching 60 years ago and throwing a high, beautiful flip when everyone else was throwing a turn shoe. Jesse paved the way for all pitchers. He took some heat but answered back letting his beautiful flip shoe do all the talking. He enjoyed pitching and always performed to the highest level. Over the years he made many close friends including with the late Monte Latino who had three world championships, and with the Williams family who have a string of championships. He loved pitching with Latino and the Williams - and while he said he loved the high level of competition - he would pitch with anyone no matter their skill level - he just loved to pitch and have fun.

The love of family

His greatest accomplishment is the love and pride he has for his family. His family still support him as they accompany him to tournaments and cheer on all pitchers. Jesse sets the mark for pitching horseshoes at the highest level. Jesse Gonzales Senior is “A California Horseshoe Legend.”

Dave Nelson

California Horseshoes is recognizing Dave Nelson, also known as (Dangerous Dave, Dave IE, Double D on the Mic, and The Dirt Master) for his ongoing dedication to the growth and promotion of the sport of horseshoes.

Double D on the Mic

In 2023, after years of negotiating and planning with ESPN, Dave brought backyard style horseshoes to ESPN. His sole efforts, with no one standing behind him, Dave introduced the sport to people all over the globe. He brought his knowledge and love for the sport to countless viewers - going out on a limb to share horseshoe pitching with the masses. His leadership and willingness to compromise, helped to shine the light on a sport that is loved by many. He was “Double D on the Mic” for the biggest horseshoe audience.

Moving the sport forward

Nearly 10 years ago, Dave started pitching with crews in Southern California, the Inland Empire. While people have been pitching for many years prior – it was Dave’s energy, talent and ideas that helped to elevate backyard pitching.

He designed some of the first jerseys seen in the sport when prior attire was polo shirts or t-shirts. Dave rallied the players to stand tall and wear custom jerseys representing their clubs.

He created a website that serves as a clearinghouse where players can learn where to find tournaments in the IE. serves Southern California slingers and all who are looking for a tournament.

Dave was one of the first – if not the first to introduce Scoreholio to backyard shooting. This was a major step to help tournaments run efficiently.

Strength by leadership

He organized the IE with a schedule of tournaments.

Dave created flyers and distributed them using social media.

Dave often has served as a Tournament Director so others could enjoy the game.

When the Covid pandemic struck, Dave went “live on the mic” and highlighted tournaments and people having fun. He used social media to unite pitchers and spectators.

He designed custom made awards and donated them to help clubs reduce their expenses.

Dave used social media to highlight tournaments, players, park locations, strategies, play-off and championship games.

Dave is bold. He makes things happen. His impact on the sport is huge. Does he slide his shoes on purpose –  yes? He’s a great showman – but don’t let him fool you – he can hit the pole for 6 with his beautiful shoes flying airborne. Thank you to Dave for taking risks and stepping forward with his vision to preserve and help this sport thrive.

It is our pleasure to present Dave with the California Horseshoes Bear in recognition of his dynamic impact on our sport. Dave’s contributions to the sport continue. He has accomplished all of this while running his own business and raising two young children with his wife.

Dave joins the esteemed company of Legends Jesse Gonzales and Harlen Rippetoe. Look for Dave to receive his award at the Avila Memorial Tournament. Congratulations to Dave Nelson, “A California Horseshoe Legend.”